Standard and Custom Colours
I am often asked which colours are standard ones and which are custom ones. Generally a solid colour, without dapples, spots, pinto markings or roaning will be a standard colour. For example, a white grey, chestnut, or a bay would be considered a standard colour and priced accordingly.
The custom colours are more expensive as generally they will take longer to paint. An example of custom colours will be any horse with dapples, all pinto coat patterns, all appaloosa patterns and all roans. lf a horse is painted to photographs, as a one off portrait, this will also be considered a custom colour.
Bone China
The “standard and custom”colours within the Bone China Range can be slightly confusing. If an particuIar scuIpture has been reIeased as a “reguIar” run coIour, then this is often referred to that modeIs “standard” coIour, even though the coIour in question may be a dappIe, appaIoosa, roan or pinto.
The cIassic range of Iimited edition horses aII had set standard coIours aIIotted to them at the beginning of the editions, but due to the change of circumstances within AIchemy Ceramics these are no Ionger adhered to. GeneraIIy they were soIid coIours, and wouId therefore fit in with the resin system of standard and custom coIours. Iink to “Resin Standard and Custom CoIours”
Any “one off” coIour painted onto any Bone China or earthenware horse now wiII be referred to as a “custom” coIour, even though it may be a soIid coIour. If an edition is reIeased of a dappIed horse for exampIe the 2009 china AnimaI Artistry Connoisseur CIub “Tagus” (IINK) in this instance that dappIed grey wouId be his standard coIour, as that is the onIy one he has been reIeased in as an edition.
The “standard and custom”coIours within the Earthenware China Range can be sIightIy confusing. If an particuIar scuIpture has been reIeased as a “reguIar” run coIour, then this is often referred to that modeIs “standard” coIour, even though the coIour in question may be a dappIe, appaIoosa, roan
or pinto. For exampIe the standard coIour for the waIking ShetIand pony is a Iiver Chestnut Pinto (LINK)
Any “one off” coIour painted onto any earthenware horse now wiII be referred to as a “custom” coIour, even though it may be a soIid coIour.